If you have any questions then we are happy to help. You can call us or send us an e-mail. We will give you initial information and, if necessary, pass you on to other information centres. If you live outside the Basel-Stadt canton then please contact the equality specialist unit in your canton of residence or your city.
> Abteilung Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern (department for equality of women and men) of the Präsidialdepartement Basel-Stadt
061 267 66 81 | The addresses of all equality specialist units in Switzerland can be found here
> Abteilung Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern (department for equality of women and men) of the Präsidialdepartement Basel-Stadt
061 267 66 81 | The addresses of all equality specialist units in Switzerland can be found here
You can also directly contact the arbitration bodies. They will provide you with information on the Gender Equality Act, responsibility and arbitration. Contact the arbitration body of your work location.
> Kantonale Schlichtungsstelle für Diskriminierungsfragen Basel-Stadt (Basel-Stadt cantonal arbitration body for issues of discrimination) | 061 267 85 22 You can find the addresses of the arbitration bodies of other cantons here
> Kantonale Schlichtungsstelle für Diskriminierungsfragen Basel-Stadt (Basel-Stadt cantonal arbitration body for issues of discrimination) | 061 267 85 22 You can find the addresses of the arbitration bodies of other cantons here
If you live or work in the Basel-Stadt canton, then you can also contact the following information centres:
The Office of Economy and Labour of the Canton of Basel-Stadt offers legal advice on questions and problems regarding employment law in person and on the phone.
> Office of Economy and Labour of the Canton of Basel-Stadt | 061 267 88 09
Has your employer urged you to resign or do you fear that you may be imminently terminated? The contact office for the unemployed can help you. It offers free advice and support:
> Kontaktstelle für Arbeitslose (contact office for the unemployed) | 061 691 24 36
Would you like more comprehensive legal advice? You can receive affordable legal advice from a lawyer at the Familea Frauenberatung (women's assistance).
> Familea Frauenberatung (women's assistance) | 061 260 82 80
ould you like advice in another language? GGG Migration offers advice in 14 languages:
> GGG Migration | 061 206 92 22
Infra Basel is an affordable information centre by women for women in every legal field:
> Infra Rechtsberatung für Frauen (legal advice for women)
The Basler Gewerkschaftsbund (trade union confederation) offers initial legal advice on the Gender Equality Act:
> Basler Gewerkschaftsbund
The Office of Economy and Labour of the Canton of Basel-Stadt offers legal advice on questions and problems regarding employment law in person and on the phone.
> Office of Economy and Labour of the Canton of Basel-Stadt | 061 267 88 09
Has your employer urged you to resign or do you fear that you may be imminently terminated? The contact office for the unemployed can help you. It offers free advice and support:
> Kontaktstelle für Arbeitslose (contact office for the unemployed) | 061 691 24 36
Would you like more comprehensive legal advice? You can receive affordable legal advice from a lawyer at the Familea Frauenberatung (women's assistance).
> Familea Frauenberatung (women's assistance) | 061 260 82 80
ould you like advice in another language? GGG Migration offers advice in 14 languages:
> GGG Migration | 061 206 92 22
Infra Basel is an affordable information centre by women for women in every legal field:
> Infra Rechtsberatung für Frauen (legal advice for women)
The Basler Gewerkschaftsbund (trade union confederation) offers initial legal advice on the Gender Equality Act:
> Basler Gewerkschaftsbund
Präsidialdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt
Abteilung Gleichstellung und Diversität
Fachstelle Gleichstellung
Marktplatz 30a
4001 Basel
T +41 61 267 66 81
Non-employment due to pregnancy
Termination during probationary period
Discriminatory termination
Revenge termination
Maternity agreement
"Request for arbitration" form
"Objection to termination" form
"Maternity agreement" form
Cantonal brochure on the Gender Equality Act
Swiss brochure on the topic of motherhood
Paternity leave fact sheet
Language selection