Cover yourself with a maternity agreement ahead of time!
Case example:
Sara has worked as a full-time architect for three years. She has decided that she wants to take unpaid leave after her maternity leave and then continue working at 60%.
This is what you can do in such a case:
1. Organise the return to your workplace with your supervisor as early as during your pregnancy.
2. Agree in writing when you will return to your job and what level of workload you would then like to take on (maternity agreement).
3. The maternity agreement serves as an addendum to the existing employment contract. If you reduce your workload, you should demand a new employment contract after your return.
Good to know:
> Your employer is permitted to reject your request for part-time work. However, if it agrees to it then the working conditions established in the maternity agreement apply after your return. > You do not have a right to demand an extension of the legal maternity leave of 14 weeks with holiday, overtime or unpaid holiday.A maternity agreement creates clarity on when you will return and with what level of workload.
Präsidialdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt
Abteilung Gleichstellung und Diversität
Fachstelle Gleichstellung
Marktplatz 30a
4001 Basel
T +41 61 267 66 81
Non-employment due to pregnancy
Termination during probationary period
Discriminatory termination
Revenge termination
Maternity agreement
"Request for arbitration" form
"Objection to termination" form
"Maternity agreement" form
Cantonal brochure on the Gender Equality Act
Swiss brochure on the topic of motherhood
Paternity leave fact sheet
Language selection